Friday 5 September 2014

Travelogue : Neon Goes Japan (Tokyo/Singapore Day 8)

This is gonna be a super short post, cause I didn't take a lot of photos and it was nothing much too.

And it was the last day and last few hours being in Japan before flying back home. When I woke up, I was like, wow, this is it, we;re about to fly back to Singapore, back to reality, back to the shitload of CAs, where all the fun and greatness in the world disappears. WHYYYYYYY. Waking up the latest, with Vishnu and Brennan already prepped and ready to go. I paced myself and got ready, in my cutest floral shirt and a tie, AIRPORT FASHION KAN. And thankfully I was bang on schedule, looking fabulous and in time where everyone left the room. 

Breakfast was like an international buffet style, with pancakes and what not. I think I came in a little late, cause the pancakes got tough and cold. But I mean, ain't gonna complain. At that point, I was still in like surreal mode, the fact that this is all ending haven't sunk in yet. 

After breakfast, we just headed out, put all our luggages in the bus and left for the airport. When we reached the airport, we basically did the standard things, check in our bags and get the boarding pass. And the lady who did my boarding procedure was so nice! Like she was so helpful and was like initiating conversation, like how my trip was, and blah blah. I mean gestures like these really do matter to me. And I was super thankful to her because she changed my in-flight menu. Initially for some reason, I was given the Hindu menu, which wasn't really my cup of tea, so luckily she rectified it. PHEW. 

Before boarding, we had like 20 minutes to shop in THE GIGANTIC duty free. Initially we were like aiyaaa we have so much time, let's slowly tour around, but suddenly they said we had only like so little time left. So me and Ambrella basically hustled up and RAN, yes hunny, WE RAN and got all the shit that we needed to buy. 

And yeah, we just did what we gotta do. PLANE. Boarding the plane was like the hardest, cause all of us, or at least the people around my seating areas all bought a lot of stuff, so it took us so long and hard to stuff everything in the overhead cabin. But luckily, it did. 

And before everyone settles back into their seats, WE-FIES!

And during the flight, the saddest thing happened. For some reason, my joints, especially my jaw area started to feel so sore. So I just idgaf-ed, pulled down my table, took the blanket shrouded myself and fucking slept. It was so uncomfortable I thought I was going to die right there and then. Which mad the ride so hard to go through, and the saddest thing is I love taking planes.

Oh yeah, did I mention who I got seated with?

AMBRELLA! OMG, I was so like happy, cause I mean, you get to seat with your buddy, what are the chances?! Cause usually they just randomly assign the seats within the area being booked. So what can I say, I was blessed all the way.

This pic above ^ though. But anyway, I only started to feel better around the last 2 hours(?), of the flight. Not very eventful sadly to say. And 3/4 in the flight, they were serving snacks, and the packaging said this :

Hmmmmm, what were they gonna do if you took this off board, the security snatching it away and say, NO?

And here we see a creature, wearing his atrocious RayBan, and #ootd. Quite cute right? With the tie and shit. 

When we finally landed, I have to say, I was super sad and reluctant, and I can already feel the Singaporean heat from inside the plane, does that even make sense? But yeahhhhh, after we exited the gate, I was so exhausted from everything, I just hugged everyone goodbye, got myself a cab and went straight on home. And when I returned home, it was like nothing happened, I showered, turned on my laptop, and the boring life resumes. AHAHHA THAT'S IT FOR DAY 8. I'm sorry, if you were expecting some amazing shit, that didn't happen. ):

Anyway, the holidays are finally here, and I'll post 2 more posts which are pathetically overdue, it was like a few weeks after the Japan trip, which happened like more than 2 months ago wtf. But yeah! Look forward to that, but I haven't edited the photos though. CIAO.

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