Tuesday, 4 February 2014

A Month On

When february came about, I honestly got a shock, about how yet another month just passed like that, how 30 over days once again sped past me. It is absolutely crazy, that it is 4 days in february, and that Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching, and I once again, will be single for the 18th year in a row. But anything before that, how was Chinese New Year? I'm sure if you read my blog long enough, you would know that I made it a life mission to ink type and record my outings and happy stuff, and seldom enough, sad moments. And the reason why I didn't do a CNY post is because, it didn't happen. What? Yup, it didn't happen at all. I didn't celebrate it, not because I didn't want to, but because we didn't have a whole lot of relatives, and then, we just didn't bothered. So for CNY, on the eve we had steamboat/BBQ, a very typical CNY tradition. And I was having none of it, cause I was so tired and bored.

But at least I got to meet my Stayover group for early CNY-ish dinner. Speaking of which, Vernice did whatsapp us to go to her house for CNY this weekend. But XY probably can't make it, which makes me and Jane, and Vernice's classmates. Not that I mind, until Vernice said she wanted to ask her East Coast group(bff). That point, I just didn't even want to go, like at all, LOL. There really is no point for me to go to her house and pretend to like and talk to people whom I obviously don't like, and their feelings are mutual. So, don't bother. One thing about our Stayover group I think it's great is that when we go out, we have to make sure all 4 of us can make it. Its a great feeling actually, that sense of cohesiveness. 


So, enough of blabber blabber, let's talk about hair, because I really lack of life, that's all I can talk about. But it has been a month or so, and my hair, as seen in the previous post, is vibrant and just gorgeous, but then, for some reason, whichever colour I dye to, it will just fade. And I genuinely think it's cause my hair just can't absorb the colour. Which is why platinum blonde is my forever go to choice, cause like if the blonde dye fades, it will still fade to the bleached colour. #Life. Actually as of now, there really isn't much colour at all, super duper pastel and light. Which thankfully, still looks not bad. But those black roots, lorrrd have mercy on all of us. 

 THIS PHOTO ABOVE, is like my life. And for some reason, the photos I took that day, was like damn nice, but this particular one. feels so advertisement-ish.

As you can tell, the neon pink is no longer, and the purple, just tints of it which is almost not even there. A month on, and the colour faded to that, actually even more, and god knows how badly it will go in the long run, for 3 months, on top of fading colour, black roots. Looking good, not an easy task, at all! 

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